These past few months we have been inundated with requests for new membership, it seems lockdown and working from home have left us hungering for green space.
Although we welcome new members and want to have as many people involved in our garden as possible, we also have to balance membership with what the garden can sustainably provide. Currently we have 101 adult members involved in the garden and we feel that this is maximum amount of people we can cater to whilst still providing a positive community experience. As such the committee has decided to stop new enrolment for now, capping the member numbers at this level.
We are still keen to hear from members of the public interested in joining and will be keeping a waiting list for those who want to join, so please continue to register your interest following the prompts on the membership page. Our membership secretary will be in touch with those on the waitlist as soon as new positions become available.
The committee will be keeping a close eye on member numbers, and we hope to reopen regular member application as soon as it is appropriate.
Thank you for your understanding.