With end of the year fast approaching the Management Committee has planned our Annual General Meeting for the 29th of November. It would be great if we can get feedback on how we are running the garden, and any suggestions for what you'd like to get done next year, so please come along at 7pm in the Toone Room at Manly West Primary School. There will also be important updates to discuss so we highly recommend you come.
Louise has kindly provided an Agenda for the meeting below. Again, let us know via email if there is anything you'd like to add.
Balgowlah Community Garden 2018 Annual General Meeting Agenda
Date:​​ Thursday 29th November 2018 at 7pm
Location​​: Toon Room, Manly West Primary School
Present and Apologies
Welcome and Introduction
Approval of 2017 Financial Report
Member Report
Garden Report and Plan
Appointment and Handover to New Management Committee
General Business
7.1 Garden hours
7.2 Council funded projects
7.3 Watering system
8. Other Business
Just a little alert to all. I had to remove 10 tomatoes from my crop today due to a black hole in each (about the size of little finger and smaller). I have researched it and it seems it could be tomato worm or 'something' end rot but not sure as all holes not on end. When I cut them open, some were rotting and others are ok, no sign of fruit fly infestation though.